Students Making the Right Choices on their Pathway to Success


Room 4

Class of  2021


Khushman Vaid

Our teacher is Mrs Vaid who has taught both nationally and internationally . 

We are  a lovely group of learners who are led by our student Councillors Brooklyn and Gemma. 


We have 15 girls  and 11 boys  in our Year 7 & 8 class and we have quickly gotten into our learning routines this year. The amazing year 7 are fortunate to have a lovely group of year 8 students who lead and show them the way.

We focus on our Pathway to Success each day by revisiting the Kauri values and celebrating our right choices with a star on our big leaf.


I look forward to meeting all whanau and working together as the year progresses and invite you to text, email or visit if you have any concerns or want to celebrate successes too. 

Here's to an awesome 2021 everyone!

Khushamn Vaid

Hawera Intermediate School,

245 South Road Hawera, 4610

Ph: (06) 278 5030,   Fax: (06) 278 6661

© 2023