Students Making the Right Choices on their Pathway to Success
A Pathway to Success

Room 5
Class of 2021
Lania Careswell
We are off to a great start for 2021 with lots of learning taking place and some very focussed students working on developing growth mindsets. Our class treaty, created by our students, focuses us on taking responsibility for our own actions and always trying our personal best.
Whaea Lania Careswell & Mrs Bev Ingram are excited to be working alongside our students to help guide them along their own ‘Pathway to Success’. We are joined by our very able and responsible Student Councillors Peysha & Afeef to help lead the way and support their peers. We belong to the Ohawe Whanau alongside two other classes.
Our Whanau leaders Kaylee & Ryan help boost our whanau spirit & increase morale.
We are looking forward to a busy successful year full of achievements of goals and personal bests!
“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”