Students Making the Right Choices on their Pathway to Success
A Pathway to Success

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Fire Update Page

Students Making the Right Choices on their Pathway to Success
Update 1/12/20
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Update 14/2/18
The consultation process of the future schooling for students in Hawera is underway.
The process involves an Education Brief followed by a Property Brief. Firstly the Education Brief looks at our vision and mission statements, our school values/principles, and our deeply held beliefs about what is important at our school,
ie respect for school, respect for self, respect for others.
We put great emphasis on our vison, A Pathway to Success as broken down into bullet points below.
The Education Brief asks that we make decisions about buildings that will reflect the character of our school. Special things to think about include, school timetable, how the curriculum is organised and delivered to all students, school leadership and management, how our school links with the community and ideas about how physical spaces need to be arranged.
Our priorities are to have a new hall and learning spaces that can be used in many flexible ways to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of all our learners. A library, will be the information centre of the school, easily accessible to learning hubs holding resources that students can access for their learning.
The Education Brief documentation is in the hands of the Ministry and we are waiting for the next part of the process which is the Property Brief where architects will design buildings to match our education vision.
Update 9/6/17
Please read Letter to the Community regarding recommendation and reasons to the Minister of Education for the future of our school
Update 27/2/16
We're Back!
With help from our community we are now back at 245 South Road and ready for classes
on Monday 29 February.
The day will begin at 7am with a blessing for our new buildings.
All are welcome to join us!

Reflect and take ownership of learning.
Set goals to achieve next learning steps.
Engage in effective learning programmes based on needs identified through quality formative and summative assessment.
Are taught by reflective practitioners who are always striving to improve practice and learner outcomes
Gain shared cultural understanding, based on Ngati Ruanui kaupapa.
Through movement, sound and image, contribute to the cultural life of the school.
Acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes to equip themselves to live in a world of diversity.
Have the opportunity to participate in a range of individual and team sports.
Make healthy choices - care for themselves and the environment.
Learn about the changes during adolescence and develop effective self management strategies.
Are supported by school and home working together, through Home School Partnerships.
Are effective users of communication
Make positive transitions between schools.
Develop the necessary competencies to live, learn and work as active members of our communities.
Experience learning which connects them to the environment and engages the wider community.

Update 19/02/16
It's all go!
We plan to return to our site in a weeks time with classes ready for learning on
Monday 29 February.
Construction work has progressed well with painting almost completed, and all amenities on target.

Update 9/2/16
Hawera Intermediate School Library has risen from the ashes and is now located in the Mill Room by the old Dental Clinic off the Dives Avenue entrance.
We have a small but amazing core of high quality up to date literature, to kickstart our new library collection. Only the best books have been generously donated. These will be available for our students to support their learning later in the year when they have been processed ready for issuing.

Update 20/01/16
As contractors work hard to have us back to our own site, students will begin the new year at Hawera High School.
The goal is to have classrooms ready to move into on our South Road premises by
February 29th 2016.
Update 14/10/15
We are aiming to reopen Monday using Hawera High School site. Boths schools are working hard to put everything in place. We have a parents information evening at the
HUB 7:30pm tomorrow night.
Students to meet at the Hub 8:30am Monday morning in full uniform.
Please bring any pens, pencils, excercise books you may have.