The school maintains a First Aid Room solely to provide First Aid treatment. In the event of serious accident or illness, parents/caregivers will be called or, if necessary, the child will be taken to the Emergency Department at Hāwera Hospital or an ambulance called.
Parents of students requiring medication administered during school hours should contact the office. All medication will be administered from the school office. Students with regular daily medication, e.g inhalers to be stored at the office will require a Health Form to be completed - these may be obtained from the office.
Students are expected to attend school every day of the school year. If they are sick or absent, please notify the school by telephoning the office and leaving a message on the answer phone before 9.00am each day. Warning in advance of any appointments or absences during school time should be given to the classroom teacher. The school will notify parents/caregivers daily for all un-notified absences by text messaging.
If a student is absent for 3 days or more a Medical Certificate may be requested.
Students who ride to school are expected to know and obey the Road Code. The school has covered stands and bikes will be locked in the bike shed to ensure safety. Helmets are compulsory.
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of our school. There is a formal meeting each month. Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend these meetings which are advertised in the school newsletter. Board members elected in 2019 are Kimiora
Te Wiki, Petra Finer, Elise Soothill, David Surgenor and Crystal Hockley.
Students travelling by bus are asked to sign a Code of Conduct which outlines expectations for conduct on buses. Buses are provided by Weir Brothers who can provide information if needed. Mr Glenn Heather is in charge of buses and is the first contact for any bus concerns or queries. Please note: the bus service will not carry students from Manaia catchment area unless approval is gained from both School Principals.
A range of healthy foods are available from our canteen. Food is only available at lunchtime. Orders for lunches are taken before school and delivered to the classrooms at lunchtime. The canteen only operates Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, an external provider supplies lunches to the school.
If students bring a cell phone to school, it must be handed to the office for safekeeping. The school takes no responsibility for loss of or damage to cell phones that are not handed in.
Dental care is provided at Hawera Hospital. Please contact the Dental Therapists directly with any concerns or questions on 06 278 9882.
The Newsletter is created every 2nd Wednesday. Notices are emailed home. Periodically classroom teachers, sports coaches and Technology teachers may forward notes home. As emerging adolescents, we believe it is one of the many developing responsibilities of our students to ensure their parents/caregivers receive this valuable form of communication.
The Newsletter is also available on our Facebook page or Website. Please notify the school office if a hard copy newsletter is required.
Students sign in/out electronically at the office before leaving, and on returning to school. This is for the protection of all students in our school, and health and safety reasons.
Parents are welcome to visit the school to discuss curriculum or welfare at any time. Appointments can be made through the school office to meet with teachers (in the first instance), or senior leaders.
Visitors to the school report to the office and sign in/out electronically, in case of emergencies.
The Pathway offers students an opportunity to get fully involved over their two years at intermediate and earn badges to sew onto their uniform and wear with pride. For every event in which a student takes part, they claim allocated points. Once they have earned enough, they apply for a badge. With enough badges earned, a student may apply to get onto the school Honours Board at the end of their time in Year 8.
School hours are 8:50am – 3:00pm
Classrooms are open from 8:20am
Students are expected to be in their classroom from 8:30am getting ready to start the day.
Interval: 11:00 – 11:30am
Lunch: 1.00 - 1:30pm
Office hours are 8.00am – 4.00pm.
All general enquiries, appointments with the Senior Leadership Team, or communications with staff or students can be made through the school office, or directly.